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Workflow in Navision/BC 365

                     Workflow in Navision/BC 365 Microsoft Navision  BC  has features of workflow, what do workflows do? Workflow Helps companies to get control of their different departments under one umbrella. It is actually a control system that checks every input before posting the same into the system. There are various types of workflow available in the system i.e. Purchase Workflow, Sales Workflow and General Ledger Workflow:- If these workflows are activated, then the user can able to create the respective documents, however, cannot post the same until his/her supervisor not approved it. In this way, every input can be controlled, and accordingly, the data can be managed. Further, Workflow enables you to design and execute business processes within the application system.  For example, the approver can get the Email notification related to their department and he/she can approve/reject the same accordingly. Workflow User Groups:- Workflow us