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Showing posts from May, 2021

Type of Purchase in– NAVISION, BC 365

  Triknow Innovations LLC Type of Purchase in– NAVISION, BC 365 Every organization (mainly Trading) industries do purchase items to sell the same to the end customer by added their margins. Sufficient products and quantities need to keep in the warehouse to meet the demand and maximize the profit. One unfavorable decision can ruin the entire profit. Thus it is important to do an analysis before making a purchase. Dynamics NAV/BC 365 have a function called “Replenishment system” to check the quantity on different parameters so that the item can be suggested by the system itself based on the Maximum, Minimum, Reorder, and Safety stock. Infect, if required this functionality can be enchanted and the system can do the calculation based on past sales data and suggest accordingly placing the purchase order. For Example,       Products Quantity Sold during this period Average (Jan-April) Safety Stock Quantity Available in stem =Averag

Adjust Exchange Rates – NAVISION, BC 365

                                                                                                      Adjust Exchange Rates – NAVISION, BC 365   As per accounting standard, we need to present the balance sheet in their true and fair value with considering the other accounting concepts; Adjust exchange rate function helps us to do the same considering the different currencies. In multinational companies, the transactions take effects in many currencies, as well as the currencies, need to be evaluated as per their closing averages (Currency exchange rate) of the year and accordingly the Unrealized FX Gains/loss need to reflect in the balance sheet. Adjust Exchange rate, a function available in business central and prior versions of dynamic Navision. BC 365 through that all the transactions related to Vendor, Customer, and Bank can be revaluating with the effective exchange rate.   Now, suppose on 31-Dec-2018 you have received a payment from a customer of 10,000 USD and in currency se

Reporting currency in Navision & BC 365

  Reporting currency in Navision & BC 365   In Business central 365, the values can be recorded in local currency as well as in reporting currency. In multinational business, we generally need to maintain the transactions in local currency as well as in HO currency also. Suppose, an MNC has business in India, UAE, and the USA, in this case, the transactions related to respective countries need to maintain in INR, AED, and USD, whereas the reporting currency needs to maintain in USD only.  BC 365 has provision for this, in General Ledger setup user can do the setup related to local currency as well as reporting currency. For better understanding, I have taken the screenshot from BC 365 General Ledger setup which s as follow:-   As highlighted, we have LCY (Local Currency) as well as Additional Reporting Currency in General Ledger setup. As per the example given above, the system can maintain transactions in local currency and can convert the same in Additional currency for rep