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Microsoft BC 365 Service Module – Introduction


Microsoft BC 365 Service Module – Introduction

In this blog, I tried to explain the service module available in the Dynamics NAV/BC-365. Navision has two formats to do the service management, the first is through service quote to service invoice and the second is through a service contract.

Service Management

Service Quote

Service order

Service Invoice with Items, Labor and GL

Service Credit Memo

Service Management through Contract

Service Contract

Service Invoice period

Service Contract Sign and Locked

Service Item

Service Invoice

Service Combine Invoice

Service invoice Accrual entries

Service Credit Memo

Service Management

Service Management:- Dynamic Navision has many modules i.e. Finance, Manufacturing, Purchase, Sales, warehouse management, and Service Management.


Service the module is useful for the industries that provide services to their clients with Items and labor. This module fulfills the below requirements:-


a.     Billing of service

b.    Billing of Items, if required to offer service to the client

c.     Billing of labor.


To cover the above requirements, dynamic Navision uses many tools i.e.


Items: - The service Item card can link to the actual physical Item if the same is required to use in service.


Service Quotes: - Like purchase and sale quotations, Microsoft Navision has service quotes. Service quotes can be used as the preliminary draft to submit to your customer before converting the same into a service order.

Service Order: - Service order is the next stage of service quotes where if confirmed by the customer the same service quote can convert to a service order. Many of the organizations, they use direct service orders instead of service quotes.

Service Item Shipment Lines:- This works in the same way like we do as sales invoices.

Service Invoice:- This is the third point, once the user post the service order, the service invoice gets posts automatically.


Service Contract Management


Service Contracts:- Generally in service industries, the invoice has a longer service period and for this user can create a contract in the dynamic Navision and the billing can be raise as per contract means Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Yearly.


Service Items: - Service item refers to equipment or items that require giving services. In the order, you can link a service item to an item in inventory or a service item group.


Service Invoices:- Once the service contract has created the user can create the service invoice. The invoice will get create as per the period selected in the service contract i.e. Monthly, Quarterly, Half-yearly, or yearly.


Service Invoice Accrual entries:- In service industries, invoices always create on advance basis, thus Microsoft Navision has provision to create the accrual entries from the advance invoice creation, so, that the books can be maintained as per respective accounting concepts. For example, if the advance service invoice has issued quarterly for the next three months, in this case, the system creates the monthly accrual so that the revenue can be book monthly irrespectively issued of the invoice date. 


Service Credit Memos:- In the same line manner of service invoice, user can create the service credit memos


Combine Invoice:- Combine invoice is an absolute feature of the service contract which allows the user to issue one single invoice against the multiple service contracts. Suppose we have multiple contracts with one client, hereby using of “Combine Invoice” feature, user can issue a single invoice against the multiple contracts.

In this blog, I only covered the terminology of the service management, however, in my next couple of blogs I will show you (with screenshots of NAV Business Central 365) how to create service contract and their related aspects till the issue of the service invoice.

For more information, please contact Triknow Innovations LLC, Microsoft CRP Partner on +971-556714535 or visit


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