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Power BI Top/Bottom N Filters


Power BI Top/Bottom N Filters

To calculate the Top-performing records, power BI has some basic functionality i.e. Rank Function (DAX) and Top N calculation (Filter visual option). In this article, we will go through the second option (Filter visual option).  

This option has both calculations i.e. Top N and Bottom N Numbers, let learn the same through below example where store wise sales have been represented by 'line and stacked column' chart.

However, by using the Top N filter option, the top sales number as per stores can be filtered. For this please use filter option available under filters section as showing below:-

Now, the user can put the desired number against the Show Item as appearing in the below screenshot. 

Afterwards, drag the sales amount value in By Value column and then click on "Apply Filter" as showing below:-

After clicking on the "Apply Filter" the visual will start to show the values according to filters, 

In Next article we will do the same by Rank Option. 


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